New! - Interested in learning more about how to reduce health hazards in the air and what causes these hazards?  Read more here! - 20 Plants That Help Improve Indoor Air Quality (And How to Care for Them) -15 Plants That Help Improve The Air Quality In Your Home brought to you by Good Air Geeks! - Dr. Wolverton’s webpage on indoor air pollution. - A research team from the Pennsylvania State University published the results of a new study of the effects of three common houseplants on indoor ozone levels in a recent issue of the American Society of Horticultural Science's journal HortTechnology. - NASA researchers suggest efficient air cleaning is accomplished with at least one plant per 100 square feet of home or office space. - Good source of current news about everything to do with optimizing your personal health. - Many articles on natural health, exercise, nutrition, supplements, etc. - Dr. Sylver has written on sauna therapy, the "Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy," and on Rife technology, "The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy with a Holistic Health Primer." - Loads of information on, you guessed it, how to grow all kinds of plants in containers rather than in the ground. Very comprehensive. - An encyclopedic directory of holistic health doctors, healers, books, magazines, products, stores, workshops and wellness retreats. - An extensive listing of alternative health practitioners, natural products, health food store and natural restaurants. - Forum for the alternative medicine community in which they present scientific information on a wide variety of alternative medicine topics. - News on health issues, including political and financial aspects. Information about the Saunex far-infrared personal sauna cabinet. The most comfortable and effective sweating experience yet!

 Product Benefits - Green and Health Resources/Links

Green and Health Resources/Links